On the Hullabaloose!: Anna Rexia and her Winter Spirits Roam Hullabaloo

We’re SO enchanted by the amazing costumes, characters, and mythical beings that are “Anna Rexia and her Winter Spirits”…So you can imagine just how excited we were when Anna expressed an interest in bringing her spirits down from the soon-to-be-snowcapped Catskills to play with us at Hullabaloo before they get too busy doing wintery things (you know: making icicles, tiptoeing around hibernating bears, sorting snowflakes, freezing your car doors shut…)!

While they usual only emerge from their forest hiding places during full moons, Anna and her tribe have made appearances at some of the coolest area events, including the Woodstock Film Festival and the O+ Festival, so you might recognize them from their forays into the streets of unsuspecting cities and villages. Don’t worry…they’re delightful!

Anna combines an earthy, natural look with whimsy and an otherworldly aesthetic that evokes fairy tales, mythology, and fable, to create unforgettable and hauntingly beautiful characters.  She has conceptualized, created, produced, and done make-up and costume designs for both organized and impromptu performances all over the region, mesmerizing attendees and delighting onlookers with her amazing costumes. She’s also got a great Etsy shop where she sells her wild, woodland-inspired headware, is available for all sorts of artistic projects—from store windows to clowning—and she draws and creates in various other mediums too. She describes herself as a visual artist and character cultivator and explains that her stage name is a statement, not an endorsement for unhealthy body images or lifestyles (in fact, she wants to be a voice for body positivity!). Check out this multi-talented lady’s work here: www.annarexia.org

The characters are engaging and captivating, and the costumes and make-up are stunningly beautiful. We can’t wait to meet them all! The Winter Spirits will be roaming and frolicking through the aisles, interacting with our friendly shoppers, and will even be available for photos—in or outside of Peter’s photo booth!  (Rumor has it that a new Spirit may make her debut at Hullabaloo too!)

We know it’ll be a magical experience for Hullabalooers of all ages. Don’t miss this rare opportunity to see these magnificent beasts roaming free!